I am Nigeria
what do you feel when you hear my name?
Do you wonder where I am?
Does my spirit go unnoticed?
Does what makes up my core go unseen?
Can you see me past the news feeds?

My soil is watered by the tears of my people
When I can hold no more
I weep the rains
It floods the rivers, the roads, the homes
When I am spent of my tears
I again become empty
and become an open vessel for my peoples tears

In the forests and the seas
I breathe life
I breathe in your pain
I breathe in your frustration
The loss of an innocent
I see your tears when the clouds pass over
in the marketplaces
in the streets

But I want you to know my people
I also feel you reaching high
Always hoping
I know what your heart wants
Justice that is truly just
Opportunities that are open for everyone

You seek support by your leaders
for ALL class of people
Where all is fair
Where the tenacity, the positivity of your being is seen
Where basic human needs are met for all
and not for those "select" few who "work the system"
Where fear of driving down roads or walking on the streets
Makes you wonder if today....
I need to pay for what should be a freedom

I see you my people
Wake up everyday with the hope of a new day
Where your strength and convictions create the best in you,
Where your faith in a higher power
Restores your soul and carries you through
to live another day
A faith as a pillar of light
And like this light your are seen and your are loved

I am Nigeria
and I am filled with the pain of your ancestors
Of all that was lost
A healing needs to occur
Transmutation of the negative to positivity
hate into love
A love that breaks ALL barriers
ALL classes of people
All divisions of humans
Balance is restored
Love is the driving force
In all decisions

I see hope and change in the horizon
With a new generation of Nigerians who no longer accept the status quo
Who see a future for themselves and there country
The changemakers
The transformers

Willing to go over the wall that has been there for so long
No longer taking advantage of the less fortunate
But raising them to a state of dignity that
every human being deserves
The rich helping the poor
A fellow brother helping a fellow brother
Greed, power, lust, hate replaced with

Be at peace my people
For I am Nigeria
I am your land
You are my people
I am always with you
I will never desert you
You are NEVER alone
I have always and will always LOVE you
